I have developed 6 packages on CRAN
and 8 on Bioconductor
. For CRAN
packages, you can use install.packages()
to install them directly and for Bioconductor
packages, you need to follow the guide on package homepage by using biocLite()
to install.
If you are interesting, please visit their homepage to learn more.
- Bioconductor
- ChIPseeker: ChIPseeker for ChIP peak Annotation, Comparison, and Visualization
- clusterProfiler: statistical analysis and visualization of functional profiles for genes and gene clusters
- DOSE: Disease Ontology Semantic and Enrichment analysis
- ggtree: an R package for visualization and annotation of phylogenetic trees with their covariates and other associated data
- GOSemSim: GO-terms Semantic Similarity Measures
- meshes: MeSH Enrichment and Semantic analyses
- ReactomePA: Reactome Pathway Analysis
- treeio: Base Classes and Functions for Phylogenetic Tree Input and Output
This repo is mainly for my R
packages that only hosted on github
repo = c("https://cran.rstudio.com",
install.packages("scatterpie", repo=repo)
- vignette: China Map
- windows binary: chinamap_0.2.0.zip
- package source: chinamap_0.2.0.tar.gz
install.packages("seqcombo", repo=repo)
- vignette: sequence recombination visualization
- windows binary: seqcombo_0.0.4.zip
- package source: seqcombo_0.0.4.tar.gz
install.packages("seqmagick", repo=repo)
- vignette: sequence manipulation
- windows binary: seqmagick_0.0.6.zip
- package source: seqmagick_0.0.6.tar.gz