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A Carcinogen-induced mouse model recapitulates the molecular alterations of human muscle invasive bladder cancer. Oncogene. 2018
Evolution of multiple cell clones over a 29-year period of a CLL patient. Nature Communications. 2016, 7:13765.
Increased DNA methylation variability in type 1 diabetes across three immune effector cell types. Nature Communications. 2016, 7:13555.
Transcriptional Dynamics During Human Adipogenesis and its Link to Adipose Morphology and Distribution. Diabetes. 2016.
Lineage-Specific Genome Architecture Links Enhancers and Non-coding Disease Variants to Target Gene Promoters. Cell. 2016, 167(5):1369-1384.
Mining kidney toxicogenomic data by using gene co-expression modules. BMC Genomics. 2016, 17:790.
Determining breast cancer histological grade from RNA-sequencing data. Breast Cancer Research. 2016, 18:48.
Human glioblastoma-associated microglia/monocytes express a distinct RNA profile compared to human control and murine samples. GLIA. 2016, 64:1416-1437.
Elucidation of tonic and activated B-cell receptor signaling in Burkitt’s lymphoma provides insights into regulation of cell survival. PNAS. 2016, 113(20):5688-5693.