


这里的图,用的是emoji来画,如果你还不会用emoji来画图装逼,赶紧戳《看完此文, 你也能够大开脑洞, 上升逼格》。然后用geofacet来拼出像素画,这个时候,你应该想到可以拿来拼你的照片,画个某个形状的照片墙了。

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With ggtree (Yu et al. 2017), it is very easy to create phylomoji. Emoji is internally supported by ggtree.

Use emoji in taxa labels

tree_text <- "(((((cow, (whale, dolphin)), (pig2, boar)), camel), fish), seedling);"
x <- read.tree(text=tree_text)
ggtree(x, linetype="dashed", color='firebrick') +
    xlim(NA, 7) + ylim(NA, 8.5) +
    geom_tiplab(aes(color=label), parse='emoji', size=14, vjust=0.25) +
    labs(title="phylomoji", caption="powered by ggtree + emojifont")

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News in emojifont

面向对象有多种实现方式,R里面就有3种,class-based, method-based, object-based,R6与C++/JAVA一样是class-based的,S3/S4是method-based的,还有一种是object-based的,这在proto包中实现,很多人可能没听说过,但是ggplot2你们一定听过,ggplot2就是object-based的实现,它现在是自己的定制实现,称之为ggproto。


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use emoji font in R

![](http://guangchuangyu.github.io/blog_images/2015/Screenshot 2015-12-16 10.55.49.png)

I have played with emoji in R for a while. My solution of using it is different from what implemented in emoGG.

emoGG is a good attemp to add emoji in ggplot2. It render emoji picture (png) and creat a layer, geom_emoji, to add emoji.

In my opinion, emoji should be treated as ordinary font in user interface, albeit it maynot be true internally.

It would be more flexible if we can use emoji as ordinary font and in this way user don’t need to learn extra stuff.

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Author's picture

Guangchuang Yu

Bioinformatics Professor @ SMU

Bioinformatics Professor
