在实际应用中,尤其是sequence数据,应该尽可能避免把整个文件读入内存,文件有可能几个G甚至更大,可能引起内存崩溃。应该放在数据库里,建索引以检索数据。Bioperl有一个module, Bio::DB::Fasta可以实现这个,这个模块在没有安装bioperl的情况下也可以单独安装使用。
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Bio::DB::Fasta;
my $dbFile = “/home/ygc/Research/Data/3utr_hg18.fa”;
# create database from fasta files…
my $db = Bio::DB::Fasta->new($dbFile);
## simple access
my @id = $db->ids; # get all id…
my $obj = $db->get_Seq_by_id("NM_032129"); # get sequence object by id
my $seq = $obj->seq; # get sequence
my $length = $obj->length; # get the length of the sequence # etc…
## Bioperl-style access
my $stream = Bio::DB::Fasta->new($dbFile)->get_PrimarySeq_stream;
while (my $obj = $stream->next_seq){
my $id = $obj->display_id;
my $seq = $obj->seq;
## process the sequence…