BMC Favor Plagiarism
ppiPre抄袭了GOSemSim的代码,证据当然非常充分,比对一下代码就知道了,我在Proper use of GOSemSim一文中,做出了一些比较,另外也可以参考github页面,github记录了ppiPre被暴光抄袭之后所做的修改。 从我给BMC Systems Biology的编辑反馈这件事开始,在这铁板钉钉的事实面前,编辑拖了整整一年,而这一年时间过去了,ppiPre仍没有被编辑部受理。从最早反应这件事情,编辑信誓旦旦说他们很重视这种事情,到后面对我的邮件视而不见,我愿意相信编辑部处理这些事情,需要时间,他们有自己的规则,但一年的时间,不回邮件,冷处理以淡化此事,这绝对不是应该有的规则。 在编辑一直无视我的情况下,我写出了Proper use of GOSemSim一文,列举了一些一模一样的代码,并告知CRAN,当ppiPre被CRAN移除时,我写信给编辑,这时候,编辑告诉我说他们准备要去联系作者了,这时候已经过去半年了,是的!你没有看错,半年过去了,编辑说他们还没去联系作者!我是不相信的。必然是联系了之后,有某些不为人知的原因,所以编辑态度反常,对抄袭这种打鸡血的事情,不断在打太极。
按照我在Proper use of GOSemSim中说的:“你们可以抄我的代码,但要注明出处,引用我的文章”,进行了修改。我给他回信就是我可以接受这样的版本。事实上如果他们基于现在的版本发表文章,我没有任何问题。但现在的版本是迫于抄袭暴光所做出的修改,而发表文章时,抄代码不注出处,更改函数名,刻意回避我的文章,而且对抄袭部分在他们的文章中宣称是自己的实现,这是恶意抄袭。
Dear Guangchuang,
Looking back through my emails, I did receive a response back from the authors previously. They in turn said that the email address I had originally been trying to contact them with earlier last year was no longer in use, so they only received my emails when I found an additional alternative email address for the authors in my more recent emails.
Their explanation for the use of your code was that as the similarity measures were not their main focus of their study they had intended to either implement existing methods themselves or as in the case of GoSemSim, import the packages. However they had some problems with this and instead utilised the source code directly. Their rationale was that as the code was GPL licenced that this was acceptable, without realising that it was also required to cite the original source.
They say they have now created an updated version which they say has the following changes:
(1) ppiPre imports GOSemSim.
(2) ppiPre calls function geneSim() exported by GOSemSim to calculate Wang’s measure, instead of deriving code from GOSemSim directly.
(3) Several internal functions of ppiPre (TCSSGetAncestors, GetOntology, GetGOParents, GetLatestCommonAncestor, TCSSCompute_ICA) are derived from GOSemSim since GOSemSim don’t export them. In source code (.R) and manuals (.RD), acknowledgement has been added including the information of author and publication of GOSemSim. (4) The author of GOSemSim (Guangchuang Yu) has been added in the ‘Author’ filed as contributor, as required by CRAN Repository Policy. (5) All the information content data in data directory of ppiPre have been removed. ppiPre directly obtained data from GOSemSim.
This version has been available in SourceForge ( And we are submitting ppiPre to CRAN. We will notify you after ppiPre is available on CRAN.
They also apologise for failing to cite you correctly and have asked if they may submit a correction to their article to rectify this. This would be within our policy if this sounds acceptable to you. Please let me know if you would need more details or if you need to get in touch with the authors
Best wishes, Tim
列举的几点跟邓岳给我的中文信一样,但多了两点: 1. 强调这是由于对版权的无知。 2. 抄袭的,不是文章的重点。 1是给自己找个借口,犯错是因为无知。2则淡化的抄袭的严重性。完全没有认错的意思。我们完全可以想像,所谓的“they may submit a correction to their article to rectify this”是什么样子的。所以我不能接受。 如果是真心认错,不遮遮掩掩,大胆地接受所犯的错误,那么发表声明,对此事进行道歉,我可以接受。 但在作者没有认错的情况下,在编辑最后明显倾向性的言语中,我无法接受,无知是对版权,你做科研,能发paper说别人的东西是自己的?总不能这样无知吧?代码2/3是抄GOSemSim的,并且文章中大篇幅在说实现了这些算法,还能睁眼说瞎话,说不是重点,就差说出来not a big deal了。 我坚决不能同意,于是回信给了编辑,然而编辑又再次遁了!一年以来,不是我不断给编辑压力,编辑根本就无视我,而最后到了该给个说法的时候了,又继续玩消失。要说没有内幕,有人相信么?我反正是不信。 对于抄袭,这是铁的事实,开源和版权,不是重点,这本身是严重的出版伦理问题。而这一整年编辑的表现,又使这一事情,呈现出更严重的一面,编辑一直在袒护抄袭者,这是非常反常的,编辑对这种事情,一直应该是打鸡血的,他们善于站在道德的制高点,对科研工作者指手画脚,而BMC也一直以此宣传他们,像今年撤了四十多篇中国的文章,说是manipulating review process,这种事情大家也是非常支持的,再怎么想文章,不能走偏门。 正如Andrew Gelman在评论ppiPre抄袭这件事时说的:
we’re talking about people who already are skating on the ethical edge (as scientists, we should always respond to serious criticism; if we don’t, that’s bordering on ethical violation already)
做为科研工作者,我们已经在道德的边缘上如履薄冰,对严重批评不做出回应,则已然是违反道德。 BMC现在就是在做违反道德的事情,非常反常!这可能是比’manipulating review process' 更严重的mainipulating editorial board。我知道掐这事于我没有任何好处,还会得罪很多人,但科研的正义必须维护,抄袭的行为必须打击,编辑部腐败更不能容忍!这件事情必须得有个说法。 ppiPre是发表在ISB 2012会议上的,这个会议明显是和BMC Systems Biology合作的,会议文章发表在BMC Systems Biology专刊上,而ppiPre的通讯作者高琳是会议的Program Chairs,而某些BMC Systems Biology的编委是General Chairs,通讯作者和BMC编委是认识的,于是我空穴来风地猜测了一下,某些编委不顾道德伦理在袒护ppiPre的抄袭行为。事情真相到底是什么,期待BMC最终能给个说法。如果抄袭都能不撤稿,如果编委都能被操控,我们有什么理由相信科研!还不如趁早转工业界去赚点养家糊口的钱。