
we had a quick email exchange about this and I would like to report this. (I appologise for contacting you directly, rather than following the submission guideline). I have a dataset with 6166 proteins of which 201 proteins are upregulated. The problem is that specifying the background proteins using universe argument in clusterProfiler, decreases the number of significant GO categories (28 significant categories without the universe argument and 5 with this argument). At the same time when I use online GORILLA tool I get a lot of categories, with the background:


and not categories without the background:


I am not sure whether this is a bug or not, so I decided to report it here

The dataset is presented below …

allProtUGO <- enrichGO(gene = upRegProt, OrgDb = org.Hs.eg.db,  keyType = "UNIPROT",  ont='ALL', pool = TRUE, 
                   qvalueCutoff = 0.05)

identifiedProtUGO <- enrichGO(gene = upRegProt, OrgDb = org.Hs.eg.db, keyType = “UNIPROT”, ont=‘ALL’, pool = TRUE, qvalueCutoff = 0.05, universe = backgroundProt)

dim (allProtUGO@result) dim (identifiedProtUGO@result)


allProtUGO <- enrichGO(gene = upRegProt, OrgDb = org.Hs.eg.db, keyType = “UNIPROT”, ont=‘ALL’, pool = TRUE, qvalueCutoff = 1, pAdjustMethod=“none”)

identifiedProtUGO <- enrichGO(gene = upRegProt, OrgDb = org.Hs.eg.db, keyType = “UNIPROT”, ont=‘ALL’, pool = TRUE, qvalueCutoff = 1, pAdjustMethod=“none”, universe = backgroundProt)

dim (allProtUGO@result) [1] 221 10 dim (identifiedProtUGO@result) [1] 129 10

最后《[why clusterProfiler fails](http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/bxzWQa02b_mXSi5Y0vSCiA)》这篇文章送给你们!