ReactomePA: Reactome Pathway Analysis
This package provides functions for pathway analysis based on REACTOME pathway database. It implements enrichment analysis, gene set enrichment analysis and several functions for visualization.
is released within the Bioconductor project and the source code is hosted in GitHub.
Please cite the following article when using ReactomePA
Yu G and He QY*. ReactomePA: an R/Bioconductor package for reactome pathway analysis and visualization. Molecular BioSystems, 2016,12(2):477-9.
Install ReactomePA
is easy, follow the guide in the Bioconductor page:
## try http:// if https:// URLs are not supported
## biocLite("BiocUpgrade") ## you may need this
Enrichment Analysis
- Over-representation analysis
- Gene set enrichment analysis
- barplot
- cnetplot
- dotplot
- enrichMap
- gseaplot
- upsetplot
- viewPathway
Find out details and examples on Documentation.
Projects that depend on ReactomePA
- Please make sure you have followed the important guide before posting any issue/question
- For bugs or feature requests, please post to github issue
- For user questions, please post to Bioconductor support site and Biostars. We are following every post tagged with ReactomePA
- Join the group chat on and