对于生信狗,天天黑白命令行,实验室的同事,经常对着我的Emacs说,这么小的字体你看得清吗?我只能无奈地回答,因为我要一个屏幕显示一整个函数。我自己平时写代码也很注意这一点,函数尽量小,太长就要考虑切分成几个函数,我说自己是脑容量不够,写不了长函数。我希望如果有人看我代码,他/她可以看得舒服点,虽然写的不见得好,但起码一个函数,你一个屏幕是装得下的。岁月留给我们的,是越来越厚的镜片!然而最近有一款神器,让我们在命令行里,可以高亮显示生物学常见的数据格式,包括SAM, VCF, GTF, PDB和FASTA。这款神器叫bioSyntax (http://bioSyntax.org) ,看着舒服多了,而且逼格十足,如果大家序列比对看多了,其实都会依赖于看颜色,黑白字体情况下,你很难去区分ATCG,即使有明显的pattern,你也很难看出来。

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神马!序列比对不都是clustalw, muscle, mafft这些软件生成完事吗?怎么还要编辑?!我只能说,年轻人,拿衣服啊。

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To my knowledge, BioEdit is the most comprehensive biological sequence alignment editor. Most of my labmates run this software using Parallels Desktop. For some of them, BioEdit is the only reason to install Parallels Desktop.

I need to edit my alignment recently, and install it in my iMac using Wine, which is a compatibility layer for running Windows applications on POSIX-compliant OS. Although it is famous in Linux community for many years, many OSX users never heard of it.

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Guangchuang Yu

Bioinformatics Professor @ SMU

Bioinformatics Professor
