
Dear Guangchuang,

I am using clusterProfiler in Kegg pathway enrichment analysis, it is useful and nice. I am looking for a function which accept background and has ability to deal with Ensembl gene ID.

In a function enrichDAVID it can takes ensembl gene id as an input format, but not allows to enter background. enrichDAVID(gene = gene, idType="ENSEMBL_GENE_ID", annotation="KEGG_PATHWAY", species= "hsa")

Other command enrichKEGG has a background input but only takes entrez gene id, enrichKEGG(gene, organism = "hsa", keyType = "kegg", universe)

I have tried to convert my ensembl gene IDs to entrez gene id, but some ensembl gene IDs represent more than one entrez gene ID. I downloaded KEGG pathway dataset to apply fisher exact test. however, genes are in entrez ID and i am still dont know how to convert.

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wrapping labels in ggplot2




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dotplot for GSEA result

For GSEA analysis, we are familar with the above figure which shows the running enrichment score. But for most of the software, it lack of visualization method to summarize the whole enrichment result.

In DOSE (and related tools including clusterProfiler, ReactomePA and meshes), we provide enrichMap and cnetplot to summarize GSEA result.

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I am using dotplot() to visualize results from enrichGO(), enrichDO(), enricher() and compareCluster() in clusterProfiler R package. When specifying showCategory, I get the right number of categories except with the results of compareCluser().

In my case, I use compareCluster() on a list of 3 elements:

str(ClusterList) List of 3 $ All : chr [1:1450] “89886” “29923” “100132891” “101410536” … $ g1 : chr [1:858] “89886” “29923” “100132891” “101410536” … $ g2: chr [1:592] “5325” “170691” “29953” “283392” …

CompareGO_BP=compareCluster(ClusterList, fun=“enrichGO”, pvalueCutoff=0.01, pAdjustMethod=“BH”, OrgDb=org.Hs.eg.db,ont=“BP”,readable=T)

dotplot(CompareGO_BP, showCategory=10, title=“GO - Biological Process”)

I ask for 10 categories, but I get 15 categories in All, 8 categories in g1 and 12 categories in g2. None of the categories, neither the sum of the categories are 10…

Is the option showCategory working in the case of comparison? Am I missing something here?

And which categories precisely will it plot? the most significant whatever my 3 cases or the most significant of each case?

The question was posted in Bioconductor support site. It seems quite confusing and I think I need to write a post to clarify it.

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leading edge analysis

leading edge and core enrichment

Leading edge analysis reports Tags to indicate the percentage of genes contributing to the enrichment score, List to indicate where in the list the enrichment score is attained and Signal for enrichment signal strength.

It would also be very interesting to get the core enriched genes that contribute to the enrichment.

Now DOSE, clusterProfiler and ReactomePA all support leading edge analysis and report core enriched genes.

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Author's picture

Guangchuang Yu

Bioinformatics Professor @ SMU

Bioinformatics Professor
