This is a feature request from clusterProfiler user. It’s similar to what I implemented in clusterProfiler for comparing biological themes. For comparing different enrichment results, the x-axis represent different gene clusters while for a single enrichment result, the x-axis can be gene count or gene ratio. This is actually similar to traditional barplot, with dot position as bar height and dot color as bar color. But dotplot can represent one more feature nicely by dot size and it can be a good alternative to barplot.

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R package DOSE released

Disease Ontology (DO) provides an open source ontology for the integration of biomedical data that is associated with human disease. DO analysis can lead to interesting discoveries that deserve further clinical investigation.

DOSE was designed for semantic similarity measure and enrichment analysis.

Four information content (IC)-based methods, proposed by Resnik, Jiang, Lin and Schlicker, and one graph structure-based method, proposed by Wang, were implemented. The calculation details can be referred to the vignette of R package GOSemSim.

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Guangchuang Yu

Bioinformatics Professor @ SMU

Bioinformatics Professor
