auto-complete in ESS

Auto complete is good, it can save you times in typing and prevent typo sometimes. RStudio now supports function arguments in auto complete. ESS’s auto complete is more advance, it supports help page. We should use ‘ess-use-auto-complete’ to activate auto complete in ESS buffers. (setq ess-use-auto-complete t) The effect is quite amazing. Auto-complete extension is needed for ESS, we need to install the auto-complete extension and load it at Emacs startup.

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Emacs is a great front-end for most of the command line tools. Although R-Studio is pretty good, I think Emacs/ESS is better. I’ve always used Emacs/ESS to run R, since 2007 on Ubuntu, Windows, and my MacBook Pro. It gives me the same experiences across all platforms. I love the way Emacs formatting source codes, and literate programming with Roxygen supported. Unfortunately, ESS does not suport displaying plots in Emacs buffer, which has been supported by imaxima.

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Install Emacs on Mac

package manager


Mac上可用的包管理系统很多,Fink移植于Debian的apt,Gentoo的portage也支持OS X。OS X是基于BSD的系统,BSD有自己的一套包管理系统,如FreeBSD的ports和NetBSDpkgsrc,MacPorts可以看作是这一系列中的一个,不过它并不是OS X原生的,它只是OpenDarwin的子项目,所以和pkgsrc一个样,也是内部解决依赖,真正为OS X设计的原生包管理系统非Homebrew莫属,它会尽量依赖系统里已有的软件。

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sudo make install

进行安装。 默认将安装在/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp下,在~/.emacs下加入

(load "imaxima")

启动emacs,按M-x,键入imaxima运行maxima 但是进行运算时出错。


cd /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/
sudo unzip ~/Downloads/
sudo texhash

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Author's picture

Guangchuang Yu

Bioinformatics Professor @ SMU

Bioinformatics Professor
