As an in vitro model for type II human lung cancer, A549 cells resist cytotoxicity via phosphorylation of proteins as demonstrated by many studies. However, to date, no large-scale phosphoproteome investigation has been conducted on A549. Here, we performed a systematical analysis of the phosphoproteome of A549 by using mass spectrometry (MS)-based strategies. This investigation led to the identification of 337 phosphorylation sites on 181 phosphoproteins. Among them, 67 phosphoproteins and 230 phosphorylation sites identified appeared to be novel with no previous characterization in lung cancer.

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ensembl = useMart("ensembl", dataset = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl")


attributes[grep("codelink",attributes[,1]), ]

name description
21 codelink Codelink ID

#读进含有codelink ID的文件。
mrna_id <- read.table("mrna_id.txt")

idmap <- getBM(attributes=c("codelink","refseq_dna","external_gene_id",
               filters ="codelink", values=mrna_id[,1],

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Author's picture

Guangchuang Yu

a senior-in-age-but-not-senior-in-knowledge bioinformatician

Postdoc researcher

Hong Kong