![](http://guangchuangyu.github.io/blog_images/R/ppipre/Screenshot 2017-11-10 00.10.22.png)

Scientific Report上有一篇文章是抄袭的,然而杂志最终决定不撤稿,而被抄的人是Johns Hopkins的,于是jh的人全都要离开Scientific Report的编委。我也被人抄了不撤稿,然而我人微言轻,不单被编辑部欺负,还要被我们国内生信界的网红欺负。


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正如我在《用R画meme ;)》里说的,meme包就可以拿来画,当然这个包是设计来画meme的,所以文本只会打在中间,如果你想在右下角之类的,不好意思,我没提供选项让你调文本位置,氮素,meme依然是你的好帮手,怎么说呢,meme不单能帮你读图片,还能用grid画出来,这意味着你可以用grid.text随便加个文本就OK了。


u <- system.file("angry8.jpg", package="meme")
x <- meme(u)
grid.text("biobabble", x=.9, y=.05, 
	gp=gpar(col='white', cex=1.2))

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My friend who doing his PhD study at Johns Hopkins just send me the link about a SR paper of plagiarism. I have very similar experence of a paper published on BMC Systems Biology, which plagiarized my work and the editor just decided to publish an erratum.

Deng etc. published an R package, ppiPre, that copied source code of my package, GOSemSim, and pretended that they developed these algorithms by themselves in their paper.

Here is the screenshot of the source code (left: ppiPre, right: GOSemSim).

![](https://guangchuangyu.github.io/blog_images/screenshots/Screenshot 2017-07-17 19.43.51.png)

You can find out more on my blog post.

As a developer of several open source software, I am glad that someone find my source code useful and happy if someone use my source code to make something better. But I am not happy if someone copies my source code by removing author information and changing function names to pretend the code was developed by himself. The situation is even worse in academic. Taking someone else’s works and passing it off as one’s own is definitely plagiarism and not allow in academic.

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Meanwhile, when I fed the ENTREZID to enrichKEGG, it show me two unreasonable results:

kegg_enrich = enrichKEGG(
	gene = new_ids$ENTREZID,
	organism = 'hsa',
	keyType = 'ncbi-geneid',
	pvalueCutoff = 0.05,
	#pAdjustMethod = 'BH',
	#qvalueCutoff = 0.2,
	use_internal_data = FALSE
              ID                           Description GeneRatio  BgRatio       pvalue   p.adjust     qvalue
hsa04380 hsa04380            Osteoclast differentiation    14/281 128/7299 0.0003817040 0.04767338 0.04508266
hsa04070 hsa04070 Phosphatidylinositol signaling system    12/281  99/7299 0.0003875885 0.04767338 0.04508266

I noted that only 281 genes are remained(there are 700+ genes in my list). In case that there is something wrong wtihin my gene list, I also tried my list with DAVID. It gave me reasonable results. So this is my second question, why enrichKEGG cannot recognize my geneids?

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在《你昨天才做的分析,可能是几年前的结果!》这篇文章的开头,我吐槽了WEGO+华大(虽然文章是转载自《嘉因生物》,但这段是我给自己加的戏码,广告后面才是原帖内容 -,-)。


这里我必须承认,我说错了,华大用的WEGO不是那在线版的09年以后就不更新的WEGO,09年人的注释不超过7000个,华大给的报告有12929个(BP),当然也不是最新的,目前org.Hs.eg.db中GO的数据源是2017-03-29, BP的注释有16992个,比华大多了1/3,所以《你昨天才做的分析,可能是几年前的结果!》这篇文章要吐槽的依然对,谁知道差这1/3会发生什么呢。

> (16992-12929)/12929
[1] 0.3142548

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Guangchuang Yu

Bioinformatics Professor @ SMU

Bioinformatics Professor
