
Dear all,

I realize that I may have given you confusing signals, such as time spent at lab, progress report etc.

I have to admit that it is hard for me to phrase my words in response to your request for exemption. I may give you wrong signals at that moment. Yes, to emphasize that your significant work is more important, I may say “the total time spent at lab is flexible”. How flexible?

Here is the clarification for these issues: 1. Weekly lab meeting with reasonable progress is a mandatory for everyone, only extreme scenarios can be exempted. Finish the assignment I mentioned if any. 2. Daily chat for your project progress is essential. I am not asking you to come lab before 9AM, but your presence at lab will be noticed, particularly before your first significant paper (IF>8, note: small papers not counted as they are not strong enough to justify).

I am not asking you to work at here from 10AM to 1AM, like what I did. But I do consider this factor when I write your bi-annual report to graduate school.


回到正题,假期如何假装自己在干活?当年砖家跟我说,他没事就挂个top命令,看CPU有没有被占满,服务器没被填满,就要找我。我必须时刻在跑程序。那我只能也时刻挂个top在看服务器了,假装自己很忙。这个时候我需要的是手机版的ssh client,随时随地可以远程控制服务器。比如像现在国庆这种日子,如果你需要假装在工作,神器必须握在手里。这张照片就是当年拍的,我已经换了四五部手机了。
