
Dear Guangchuang,

I am using clusterProfiler in Kegg pathway enrichment analysis, it is useful and nice. I am looking for a function which accept background and has ability to deal with Ensembl gene ID.

In a function enrichDAVID it can takes ensembl gene id as an input format, but not allows to enter background. enrichDAVID(gene = gene, idType="ENSEMBL_GENE_ID", annotation="KEGG_PATHWAY", species= "hsa")

Other command enrichKEGG has a background input but only takes entrez gene id, enrichKEGG(gene, organism = "hsa", keyType = "kegg", universe)

I have tried to convert my ensembl gene IDs to entrez gene id, but some ensembl gene IDs represent more than one entrez gene ID. I downloaded KEGG pathway dataset to apply fisher exact test. however, genes are in entrez ID and i am still dont know how to convert.

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Guangchuang Yu

a senior-in-age-but-not-senior-in-knowledge bioinformatician

Postdoc researcher

Hong Kong