I am very glad to find that someone figure out how to use ggjoy with ggtree.
I really love ggjoy and believe it can be a good tool to visualize gene set enrichment (GSEA) result. DOSE/clusterProfiler support several visualization methods.
I am very glad to find that someone figure out how to use ggjoy with ggtree.
I really love ggjoy and believe it can be a good tool to visualize gene set enrichment (GSEA) result. DOSE/clusterProfiler support several visualization methods.
Dear GuangChuangyu,
I’m trying to use the clusterProfiler package for GSE analysis on DGE data obtained from RNAseq. While I can run enrichKEGG, I’m unable to run gseKEGG basically because I don’t know how to obtain an order ranked gene list.
I work on R. I have a dataframe or matrix with gene names, log2 fold change values, pvalues and adjusted pvalues among others.
How can I get the order ranked gene list to feed in gseKEGG?
Moreover what is the more reliable way to obtain functional insight about each sample? enrichKEGG or gseKEGG?
Thank you in advance for your help.
best regards
bruno saubaméa
今天收到一封来自Université Paris Descartes的求助信,这个问题我被问过好多次了,显然很多新手都有这问题,根本不知道该怎么跑GSEA,搞不清GSEA的输入是什么。
陈同的‘生信宝典’公众号出了篇《R语言学习 - 富集分析泡泡图》,搞个shell脚本,一步绘图。讲了这个脚本可以适用于clusterProfiler和其它软件的富集结果。
在《ggplot2字体溢出的那点破事》一文里,我介绍了字体溢出的解决方案。在《wrapping labels in ggplot2》一文中介绍了怎么把长文本截断自动换行,这些都是非常常见的问题,最近关于溢出就又有人提问了:
I have 8 packages published within the Bioconductor
A new package treeio was included in BioC 3.5 release.