
大家是否还记得2015年BioMed Central高调地撤稿了43篇文章,站在道德制高点对审稿过程进行了指责,吐了学术不端一脸口水?

![](https://guangchuangyu.github.io/blog_images/screenshots/Screenshot 2017-07-17 19.34.25.png)

就在这个时候,我写信去BMC Systems Biology告别人抄袭,编辑部信誓旦旦,他们对这种事情是非常认真对待的,然而接下来的剧情却反转了,在我证据甩他们一脸的时候,他们拖着不处理,拖多久呢,超过1年!一直在给抄袭者洗地,最好在没有告知我的情况下,静悄悄地出了个所谓的erratum


erratum |ɛˈrɑːtəm|
noun (pl.errata |ɛˈrɑːtə| )
an error in printing or writing.


plagiarism |ˈpleɪdʒərɪz(ə)m|
noun [ mass noun ]
the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own. 


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I know this question has been asked before a long time ago and I don’t see an answer of that question in the mailing list or in the vignette of GOsemsim package. So I was wondering what is the easiest possible way of calculating GO semantic similarity value for orthologus gene pairs between two species using the above R package or any other package you know of. I am not doing this for less annotated species I need to calculate that for orthologus genes between Human and Mouse (both of which are well annotated IMHO). So I would much appreciate it if anyone who has already done this before can point me to a resource which already has pre-calculated semantic similarity values for Mouse and Human orthologues or has inbuilt code to do that.

Thanks & regards

这是Bioconductor support site上的问题,问的是他想要计算人类和老鼠的直系同源基因通过GO注释来计算语义相似性,问GOSemSim是否支持,这个答案是yes and no。

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Guangchuang Yu

Bioinformatics Professor @ SMU

Bioinformatics Professor
