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After the release of meme package, I received several feedbacks from users.

The most usefule one is the comment on my blog post:

Greetings Mr. Yu,

I am very happy that this package exists. Thank you for making it! I would like to request a feature, to ensure the package is able to compete with professional meme-creation tools like memegenerator and Since memes often use the font Impact, in white and with black outline, I believe the package would be more powerful if it also did that automatically.


The words, ‘compete with professional meme-creation tools’, stimulated me to develop text plotting with background outline effect.

Now this feature is available in meme v>=0.0.7, which can be downloaded from CRAN.

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Sercan Kahveci

Greetings Mr. Yu,

I am very happy that this package exists. Thank you for making it! I would like to request a feature, to ensure the package is able to compete with professional meme-creation tools like memegenerator and Since memes often use the font Impact, in white and with black outline, I believe the package would be more powerful if it also did that automatically.


Sercan Kahveci, MSc

Content creator at Questionable Research Memes on Facebook

上次一篇《用R画meme ;)》把脸书在做MEME的人都给炸出来了,专业人士给出专业建议,要用Impact字体,并且要让字体出现阴影效果,这真是厉害了,感觉有点神奇,但他一句,这样就可以和专业工具PK了,着实太刺激了,我决定试一试能不能搞个阴影效果。结果还真让我搞成了,文本有一种浮在上面的错觉。


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Guangchuang Yu

Bioinformatics Professor @ SMU

Bioinformatics Professor
