
Meanwhile, when I fed the ENTREZID to enrichKEGG, it show me two unreasonable results:

kegg_enrich = enrichKEGG(
	gene = new_ids$ENTREZID,
	organism = 'hsa',
	keyType = 'ncbi-geneid',
	pvalueCutoff = 0.05,
	#pAdjustMethod = 'BH',
	#qvalueCutoff = 0.2,
	use_internal_data = FALSE
              ID                           Description GeneRatio  BgRatio       pvalue   p.adjust     qvalue
hsa04380 hsa04380            Osteoclast differentiation    14/281 128/7299 0.0003817040 0.04767338 0.04508266
hsa04070 hsa04070 Phosphatidylinositol signaling system    12/281  99/7299 0.0003875885 0.04767338 0.04508266

I noted that only 281 genes are remained(there are 700+ genes in my list). In case that there is something wrong wtihin my gene list, I also tried my list with DAVID. It gave me reasonable results. So this is my second question, why enrichKEGG cannot recognize my geneids?

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Dear Dr. Guangchuang Yu, I write to you regarding a doubt concerning the enrichGO function from Clustalprofiler package. I have been used this package before, but now I’m using the same R script and I have an error message.

This is the command I use:

go.bp <- enrichGO(gene = gene.df$ENSEMBL, universe = universe.ENSEMBLID, keytype = ‘ENSEMBL’, OrgDb =, ont = ‘BP’, pAdjustMethod = ‘BH’, pvalueCutoff = 0.01, qvalueCutoff = 0.05, readable=T)

and the error is the following one:

No gene set have size > 10 … –> return NULL…

My input list is attached to this email (101 genes in total). When I use this list in a web resource such as GOrilla it gives to me the proper GO terms.

Thank you very much in advance. Best regards,


最近clusterProfiler用户的问题,这个问题还蛮普遍。这个我在《why clusterProfiler fails》中也有谈到,并不是能出结果就是好的。没有结果也是一种结果。

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Since the clusterProfiler is a very useful tools for GO and Kegg annotation.At present I want to use it to enrich for kegg result while only have the KO number ,So I want to convert the KO number to the pathway function,Is there have any function or methods in the software can convert it?any help will be appreciated

这个问题问说他想转KO到通路,首先这是一个常见的错误,很多人分不清Kko,所以在我告诉他可以把K number转成ko pathway的时候,我先指出他的错误。

ko is actually pathway map. I think you are talking about K number mapping to ko pathway.

> bitr_kegg("K00844", "kegg", "Path", "ko")
     kegg    Path
1  K00844 ko00010
2  K00844 ko00051
3  K00844 ko00052
4  K00844 ko00500
5  K00844 ko00520
6  K00844 ko00521
7  K00844 ko00524
8  K00844 ko01100
9  K00844 ko01110
10 K00844 ko01120
11 K00844 ko01130
12 K00844 ko01200
13 K00844 ko04066
14 K00844 ko04910
15 K00844 ko04930
16 K00844 ko04973
17 K00844 ko05230

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Dear GuangChuangyu,

I’m trying to use the clusterProfiler package for GSE analysis on DGE data obtained from RNAseq. While I can run enrichKEGG, I’m unable to run gseKEGG basically because I don’t know how to obtain an order ranked gene list.

I work on R. I have a dataframe or matrix with gene names, log2 fold change values, pvalues and adjusted pvalues among others.

How can I get the order ranked gene list to feed in gseKEGG?

Moreover what is the more reliable way to obtain functional insight about each sample? enrichKEGG or gseKEGG?

Thank you in advance for your help.

best regards

bruno saubaméa

今天收到一封来自Université Paris Descartes的求助信,这个问题我被问过好多次了,显然很多新手都有这问题,根本不知道该怎么跑GSEA,搞不清GSEA的输入是什么。

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陈同的‘生信宝典’公众号出了篇《R语言学习 - 富集分析泡泡图》,搞个shell脚本,一步绘图。讲了这个脚本可以适用于clusterProfiler和其它软件的富集结果。






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Guangchuang Yu

a senior-in-age-but-not-senior-in-knowledge bioinformatician

Postdoc researcher

Hong Kong