After the release of meme package, I received several feedbacks from users.

The most usefule one is the comment on my blog post:

Greetings Mr. Yu,

I am very happy that this package exists. Thank you for making it! I would like to request a feature, to ensure the package is able to compete with professional meme-creation tools like memegenerator and Since memes often use the font Impact, in white and with black outline, I believe the package would be more powerful if it also did that automatically.


The words, ‘compete with professional meme-creation tools’, stimulated me to develop text plotting with background outline effect.

Now this feature is available in meme v>=0.0.7, which can be downloaded from CRAN.

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Sercan Kahveci

Greetings Mr. Yu,

I am very happy that this package exists. Thank you for making it! I would like to request a feature, to ensure the package is able to compete with professional meme-creation tools like memegenerator and Since memes often use the font Impact, in white and with black outline, I believe the package would be more powerful if it also did that automatically.


Sercan Kahveci, MSc

Content creator at Questionable Research Memes on Facebook

上次一篇《用R画meme ;)》把脸书在做MEME的人都给炸出来了,专业人士给出专业建议,要用Impact字体,并且要让字体出现阴影效果,这真是厉害了,感觉有点神奇,但他一句,这样就可以和专业工具PK了,着实太刺激了,我决定试一试能不能搞个阴影效果。结果还真让我搞成了,文本有一种浮在上面的错觉。


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这个图明显是R的base graphics做的,图是可圈可点的,能做出这图来,也已经是告别了只会用plot的低级趣味。这其实是4个图拼起来的,第一个图只是多了个y轴而已,它们画起来是一样的,那就是只画boxplot,不画x和y轴,(你可能会说不是有x轴?),x轴是后面再加上去的,而且加x轴的时候,不写labels,只有线条没有文本(你可能又会说明明有文本!),因为axis这个函数只支持labels要么是水平的,要么是垂直的,旋转某个角度是不支持的,所以labels是额外再打上去的。这里一张小小的图,门道还是挺多的。

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create meme in R

I developed a tiny toy package, meme, which is now on CRAN. As it’s name indicated, it was designed to create memes, which are captioned photos that are intended to be funny, riduculous.


The package is quite simple. You can use meme() function to add meme captions, and this is all the package supposed to do:

u <- ""
meme(u, "code", "all the things!")

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很多人想要学ggplot2 + ggtree,但我的定位不是技术性的培训,而是学术讲座,所以一开始把问题摆出来,是有一些问题存在,有knowledge gap,然后我要去解决它。当然考虑到听众的knowledge gap也很大,我在介绍ggtree的之前,也帮大众撸了一篇R的画图,在这简短的时间里,你应该了解了R几个画图系统的关系,base和grid我在slides里写graphic system,但lattice和ggplot2我写的是data visualization system,我对它们是有区别对待的,像lattice和ggplot2自己是不成一体的,但提供了高阶的数据可视化方法/语法。听完讲座你也应该了解ggplot2,知道要怎样去入门,知道重点该学什么。

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大量的生信公众号在各种linux入门、perl入门、python入门、R入门、软件安装、跑跑示例代码、流程。我自己平时根本不会去看这些生信号,在《s01 - Counting DNA Nucleotides》一文发出去后,就被爪哥说不能跟着走低端路线,囧rz…


我写了一个包叫《ggimage:ggplot2中愉快地使用图片》,从此图上嵌图(ggplot对象)或图片变得轻而易举。某一天写着玩,写了个《geom_pokemon: 使用pokemon画图》的图层,引起了人民群众的尖叫,国外有妹纸用来可视化NBA数据《大开眼界+多图慎点:Pokémon x NBA and other fun with ggimage》,国内有汉子用来可视化复旦大学考研的报考专业《你的专业是那一只Pokémon神兽?》。

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Guangchuang Yu

Bioinformatics Professor @ SMU

Bioinformatics Professor
