
Monte Carlo方法由冯·诺伊曼于二战时提出,1777年法国人布丰用此思路估计pi值被认为是Monte Carlo的起源,这个方法简单又快速,通过产生随机数,将数值计算问题变成随机变量的某些特征值(比如期望值)。

积分运算,和估计pi值一样,用hit and miss法估计。

hit_miss <- function(fun, lower, upper, n=500) {
    # Monte Carlo integration using the hit and miss method
    x <- runif(n, lower, upper)
    f.value <- sapply(seq(lower, upper, 0.001), fun)
    f.min <- min(f.value)
    f.max <- max(f.value)
    y <- runif(n, f.min, f.max)
    hits <- sum(y <= fun(x))
    area <- (upper-lower) * f.min + hits/n * (upper-lower) * (f.max-f.min)

hit and miss方法收敛太慢,效率并不高,通常所说的MC积分是指下面这个方法。

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The foundamental idea of numerical integration is to estimate the area of the region in the xy-plane bounded by the graph of function f(x). The integral was esimated by dividing x into small intervals, then adds all the small approximations to give a total approximation. Trapezoidal rule Numerical integration can be done by trapezoidal rule, simpson’s rule and quadrature rules. R has a built-in function, integrate, which performs adaptive quadrature.

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Root finding

Numerical root finding methods use iteration, producing a sequence of numbers that hopefully converge towards a limits which is a root. This post only focuses four basic algorithms on root finding, and covers bisection method, fixed point method, Newton-Raphson method, and secant method.

The simplest root finding algorithms is the bisection method. It works when f is a continuous function and it requires previous knowledge of two initial gueeses, u and v, such that f(u) and f(v) have opposite signs. This method is reliable, but converges slowly. For detail, see .

Root finding can be reduced to the problem of finding fixed points of the function g(x) = c*f(x) +x, where c is a non-zero constant. It is clearly that f(a) = 0 if and only if g(a) = a. This is the so called fixed point algorithm.

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 efv <- function(f, value, variable="x", a=0, eps=0.001) {
     #estimate function value using Taylor theorem
     assign(eval(variable), a)
     fv.old <- eval(f)
     k <- 1     
     repeat {
         df <- D(f, variable)
         if (df == 0)
             break <- fv.old + eval(df)*(value-a)^k/factorial(k)
         if ( - fv.old < eps)
         fv.old <-
         f <- df
         k <- k+1
     return (

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翻看了以前写的使用Newton-Raphson Method求一个数的开方,想到其实也可以用中值定理来实现。 中值定理:f(x)是一个连续性的函数,在[u,v]区间内,当c的值位于f(u)和f(v)之间时,至少存在一个点,满足f(x) = c 当f(u)和f(v)一正一负时,那么在[u,v]之间至少有一个根的存在,这个定理本来就是拿来证明根的存在的,但是其实也可以用来求解根。

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Author's picture

Guangchuang Yu

Bioinformatics Professor @ SMU

Bioinformatics Professor
